Habiform App

Habiform support


Trigger (trigger event): a regular or automatic action that you do with a reliable frequency. You can link your desired habit to such an action. It could be having dinner, entering a room etc.

Implementation intentions: steps you need to take in order to complete your habit. These need to be concise and call to action. For example, if your desired habit is to go to the gym, your implementation intentions could be: go to the bus stop, wait for the bus to the gym, walk to the gym. It may seem unnecessary, but these clear steps are helpful since they give you clear instructions on how to proceed.

The main idea of the app

We perform many actions without thinking about them. What if, instead of telling ourselves that we want to do a particular habit at a certain time, we link that habit to a trigger action. This trigger serves as a cue for you to begin doing your desired action.

Through sufficient training and repetitions, eventually you will be able to perform your new habit automatically. Here are some examples to illustrate the concept:

The app

Habiform offers a very simple way for you to add your trigger events, implementation intentions and habits. You can link your habits to these triggers, and add implementation intentions to the habits.


What is the “Ask to stop reminders after” setting?

Habiform is designed so that it does not lead to dependency on the app. For every habit linked to a timed trigger, the app will ask every specific amount of days whether you would like to stop being reminded about the need to complete this habit. You can specify this number of days here.

What is the “Remind with habit intentions” setting?

If this option is on, when sending notifications, the app will also tell you what is the first item on the list of implementation intentions for that habit. If it is off, the app will simply remind you to complete this habit.